Welcome to Mastering Your Mindset, Day 7
Today we will explore affirmations to attract peace and calm.
Choose from the list of affirmations below, or create your own.
- I am capable of achieving my dreams and goals
- I choose to believe in myself
- I am worthy of love and respect
- I am growing in love with myself
- I am enough
- I make great choices
- I trust myself
- I am succeeding
- I am growing in confidence everyday
- I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to
- I embrace my unique strengths and talents
- I am worthy of love, success, and happiness
- I see challenges as opportunities for growth
- I trust in my abilities to overcome obstacles and create positive change
- I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer
- I release all self-doubt and step into my power with confidence
- I am in control of my thoughts, emotions, and actions
- I am a powerful creator of my own reality
- I am enough, just as I am, and I honour and appreciate myself fully.
Remember to leave reminders to invite in these affirmations as often as possible.
- Suggestions include:
- Calendar reminders
- Email reminders
- Sticky notes (on the mirror, the car of your dash)
- Change your screen saver on your phone, computer, iPad
Congratulations you have done it!
Remember you can come back to these affirmations anytime.