Mastering Your Mindset Day 4

Welcome to Mastering Your Mindset, Day 4
Today we will explore affirmations to connect to your Higher purpose and spiritual calling.
Choose from the list of affirmations below, or create your own.
  • I am following my divine purpose
  • I am following joy
  • I know how to listen to my heart
  • I know how to let my emotions guide me
  • I am connecting with my spirit guides and angels regularly
  • I am in flow with the universe
  • I trust in the divine timing of everything
  • I am listening to the messages my heart whispersI am aligned with my higher purpose and live it every day
  • I trust the wisdom of my soul and follow my spiritual calling
  • I am open to receiving guidance and inspiration from the Universe
  • I am connected to the divine energy that guides me on my path
  • I embrace my unique gifts and use them to serve others and the world
  • I am in tune with my intuition and follow its guidance with confidence

Remember to leave reminders to invite in these affirmations as often as possible.

  • Suggestions include:
  • Calendar reminders
  • Email reminders
  • Sticky notes (on the mirror, the car of your dash)
  • Change your screen saver on your phone, computer, iPad

See you tomorrow for Day 5!


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